Try to get back to usual... but realize its not happen yet. Friends and family asking me „hey, was it nice (na, wars schön)?“ get’s not a clear answer, like „yeah...somehow (eigentlich schon...)“. Most of them are happy with that, a few ask further. But how to answer such a question? Yes, the mountains were beautiful, the Scenerie, the fullmoon was magnific, the Flowers amazing,...
sunrise and sunset always bright, the mists growing out of the valley….
But training was very intensive, climate quite demanding, housing much nicer than expected, a room by myself luxury pure, meals quite tasty, the various students from all over the world very interesting to meet, the group of students nearly too big,...
teachers quite tough, standards somehow narrow, our dinner in the restaurant a nice adventure, steps just too many, the temple like being home, and the traveltime Wudang Shan – Frankfurt is not long enough (!) to change from one world to another. But who will know about this ?
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