Nun, zu jener Zeit gingen wir bei schönem Wetter gerne zum Training in den "Alten Friedhof" eine Parkanlage, die nicht mehr viel mit einer Begräbnisstätte zu tun hatte. Es war damals noch nicht üblich, dass Hundebesitzer die Hinterlassenschaften ihrer vierbeinigen Freunde in kleinen Plastikbeutelchen einsammelten. So ein Hundehaufen geht je nach Wetter in fünf bis zehn Tagen in die Natur auf. Ein Plastikbeutel braucht dafür vierhundert Jahre. So bemerkte ich auf der Wiese einige Tretminen und machte darauf aufmerksam. In diesem Moment durchfuhr es mich, alles wurde klar. Jeder Krümel Erde war schon zig Mal Scheiße gewesen, war Nahrung geworden für Pflanzen, die von kleineren oder größeren Lebewesen gefressen wurden, ausgeschieden und wieder eingetreten in den Kreislauf. Letztlich besteht der ganze Planet nur aus Scheiße, in der einen oder anderen Form seiner Inkarnation. Nichts da mit 'Staub bist du und zum Staub kehrst du zurück'. Du bist Scheiße.
Eine Geschichte bei Ajahn Brahm erinnerte mich an eine Begebenheit, damals, als ich anfing in Münster Taijiquan zu unterrichten. Zu der Zeit hatte ich schon des öfteren Belehrungen tibetisch buddhistischer Mönche besucht, die immer das gleiche erzählten über die Unendlichkeit des Geistes, seine ständige Wiederkehr in den verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen etc. Ich konnte das immer nachvollziehen, aber micht begreifen, es blieb für mich auch nur ein weiterer Auftritt des Geistes, eine hübsche Performance ohne Realitätsbezug.
Sagen wir mal, es ist wie schwimmen
Die Rede ist natürlich vom Taijiquan. Während es einem Anfänger meist egal ist, was er oder sie da macht, das sich Taijiquan nennt, stellt sich mit fortschreitender Kenntnis und Interesse an der Sache die Frage, was Taijiquan denn nun mal ausmacht. Da gibt es verschiedene Stile, die sich deutlich unterscheiden und es gibt auch andere Methoden, vielfältige Qigong-Formen, die dem Taijiquan doch sehr ähnlich sind. Was also macht es aus. Sagen wir mal, es ist wie schwimmen. Zuerst einmal stellen wir sicher, das nur der schwimmt, der nicht untergeht. Da kann man noch soviel im Wasser rumplantschen, hopsen und springen oder oben so tun als würde man schwimmen, während unten die Füße über den Grund spazieren. Auch solange man sich nur mit Hilfe diverser Untensielien, Schwimmreifen, Westen oder Flügelchen über Wasser halten kann, sollte man nicht für sich in Anspruch nehmen, schwimmen zu können. Es braucht einen kleinen, besonderen Kick, irgendwas muss sich im inneren, in der Einstellung ändern und mit einem Mal treibt man, ohne viel Bewegung, Gestrampele und Prusten auf dem Rücken liegend auf dem Wasser. Man schwimmt.
Nun kann man noch dazu den Anspruch erheben, richtiges Schwimmen habe mit gezielter Fortbewegung auf dem Wasser zu tun. Auch jetzt kann man einfach drauflos machen und wie ein Hund paddeln oder anfangen zu lernen. Und siehe da, es gibt verschieden Stile, die sich deutlich voneinander unterscheiden. In allen Fällen wird geschwommen, Brust, Kraul, Schmetterling, Delphin, Rücken etc.
Ich schätze mal so bei einem Blick in die Runde, die meisten schwimmen, erst einmal, um es zu können, und dann, um gelegentlich ein paar Züge im Hotelpool zu ziehen, oder zwei mal die Woche ins Agrippabad zu gehen, zwanzig Bahnen, ausruhen und wieder ins Büro, oder im Urlaub am Strand mal richtig ins Wasser zu können.
Das unterscheidet sich natürlich gewaltig von jenen, die einen Sport daraus machen; immer schneller werden wollen oder Wasserhandball spielen, Synchronschwimmen oder Turmspringen. Wobei letztere das Schwimmen nur brauchen, um wieder aus dem Wasser raus zu kommen.
Wir sehen eine große Vielfalt. Niemand wird einem anderen absprechen, schwimmen zu können. Nur jenen, die nur so tun, die es einfach nicht kapieren, die es im Leben nicht lernen aber dennoch behaupten, das sei so richtig, denenen kann man nicht helfen.
Oder sagen wir mal, es sei wie Musik. Den Ton sollte man treffen und einigermaßen Rhythmusgefühl haben, dann genügen auch nur drei Akkorde...
Ich denke, ich habe dazu genug gesagt. Den Rest kann sich jeder denken.
Am Himmel
Mir war schon vor einige Tagen aufgefallen, dass sich am Morgenhimmel die Planeten Venus, Jupiter und Mars wie aufgereiht über der Mondsichel zeigten. Heute war nun deutlich zu sehen, dass Jupiter und Mars dicht beieinander stehen, ja fast nur einen Lichtpunkt bilden, würde der Mars nicht mit seiner Röte auffallen. Diese Begegnung des Kriegsgottes Mars mit dem Obersten Herrscher des Himmels Jupiter finde ich nun besonders bemerkenswert, da wir morgen hier das Chongyang Fest feiern. Chongyang, die doppelte Neun fällt auf den 9.9. des Mondkalenders und wird in China als das Chrysanthemenfest gefeiert. Aber hier in Wudangshan feiern wir an diesem Tag Zhen Wus "Himmelfahrt", den Tag seiner Vervollkommnung, als er, der Wahrhafte Krieger (Mars) von fünf Drachen emporgehoben wurde zum höchsten Gipfel des Gebirges und dort vom Höchsten Herrscher des Himmels (Jupiter) begrüßt und zum Unsterblichen ernannt wurde.
sunsi miao on meditation
Note: While reading the following translation please bear in mind that the Heart also means Mind, Shén is usually translated as spirit and Líng is could be roughly translated as the Great Spirit or Numinous.
孫思邈 – 存神錬氣銘
Sūn Sīmiǎo – Cún shén liàn qì míng
Inscription of Preserving Shén and refining Qì
Human embodiment is dwelling place of Shén and Qì
If Shén and Qì are stored the embodiment is tranquil, strong and healthy
If Shén and Qì disperse the embodiment dies
If one desires to support the embodiment [one must] first calm Shén and Qì
The Qì is mother of Shén, Shén is the child of Qì
If Shén and Qì are whole the life is long and there is no death
If Shén and Qì are stored the embodiment is tranquil, strong and healthy
If Shén and Qì disperse the embodiment dies
If one desires to support the embodiment [one must] first calm Shén and Qì
The Qì is mother of Shén, Shén is the child of Qì
If Shén and Qì are whole the life is long and there is no death
If one desires to calm Shén one must refine Yuánqì
[When] Qì is within embodiment
The Shén is peacefully in Qìhǎi
[When] Qìhǎi is full and overflowing
The Heart is calm and Shén is settled
If [Shén] is settled and not dispersing
The embodiment and Heart are concentrated and tranquil
Tranquility peaks to being settled completely1
The embodiment is maintained years everlasting
Always dwelling at the source of Dao and one naturally becomes a Saint
[When] Qì is within embodiment
The Shén is peacefully in Qìhǎi
[When] Qìhǎi is full and overflowing
The Heart is calm and Shén is settled
If [Shén] is settled and not dispersing
The embodiment and Heart are concentrated and tranquil
Tranquility peaks to being settled completely1
The embodiment is maintained years everlasting
Always dwelling at the source of Dao and one naturally becomes a Saint
1. (定倶 term comes from Buddhist sources and is usually translated as Samadhi)
Qì is connected to condition of Shén, Shén is connected to wisdom and destiny (Mìng)
Destiny residing within [constantly] maintained embodiment unites with True nature
[Thus one obtains] age equal to Sun and Moon and Dao is obtained
According the inscriptions of refining Qì if one wishes to learn this technique
Destiny residing within [constantly] maintained embodiment unites with True nature
[Thus one obtains] age equal to Sun and Moon and Dao is obtained
According the inscriptions of refining Qì if one wishes to learn this technique
First the cereals must be renounced and Heart must be placed to Qìhǎi
Store Shén in Dāntián and collect the Heart to tranquillize [its] anxieties
When Qìhǎi is whole one is naturally satisfied
In concentrated Heart cultivation 100 days [bring] small accomplishments
Three years [bring] great accomplishments
First one enters five states [of mind] and then one can go through seven stages
Store Shén in Dāntián and collect the Heart to tranquillize [its] anxieties
When Qìhǎi is whole one is naturally satisfied
In concentrated Heart cultivation 100 days [bring] small accomplishments
Three years [bring] great accomplishments
First one enters five states [of mind] and then one can go through seven stages
Shén and Líng transform and change exiting and submerging freely
Steep cliffs or thousands miles, leave or staying without hindrances
If Qì does not disperse Qìhǎi fills to overflowing
[When] Shén is still in Dāntián, the embodiment and Heart are always constant
Naturally returns the [youthfulness of] colors to facial features and stature
The embodiment changes to immortal
The hidden and obvious [reveal their] natural origins
One understands hundreds of transformations of Líng
This is called Passing through the world
[One is then] entitled as True person (Zhēnrén)
Steep cliffs or thousands miles, leave or staying without hindrances
If Qì does not disperse Qìhǎi fills to overflowing
[When] Shén is still in Dāntián, the embodiment and Heart are always constant
Naturally returns the [youthfulness of] colors to facial features and stature
The embodiment changes to immortal
The hidden and obvious [reveal their] natural origins
One understands hundreds of transformations of Líng
This is called Passing through the world
[One is then] entitled as True person (Zhēnrén)
Heaven and Earth are like his years, sun and moon like his lifespan
With this way one does not [need to] swallowing Qì or saliva nor is it exhausting or painful
[When] needs to eat one just eats, [when] requires rest one sets to rest
Naturally and spontaneously without blocking and without obstacles
Five states and seven stages [all happen by] entering the womb and fixing the contemplation
Student of Dao starts with five states
With this way one does not [need to] swallowing Qì or saliva nor is it exhausting or painful
[When] needs to eat one just eats, [when] requires rest one sets to rest
Naturally and spontaneously without blocking and without obstacles
Five states and seven stages [all happen by] entering the womb and fixing the contemplation
Student of Dao starts with five states
1. State: Heart has lots of movement and peace is minimal
[In mind] thoughts, green colours and 10 000 things
Conditions come and go without continuity
Jealous, anxious, considering and measuring like a wild horse is the usual human Heart
[In mind] thoughts, green colours and 10 000 things
Conditions come and go without continuity
Jealous, anxious, considering and measuring like a wild horse is the usual human Heart
2. State: Heart has very little peacefulness but lot of movement
[When] regulating movement one enters to peace but Heart disperses and escapes often
[Mind] is difficult to control or suppress and direct it to [this] method
Here the pursuit for Dao begins
[When] regulating movement one enters to peace but Heart disperses and escapes often
[Mind] is difficult to control or suppress and direct it to [this] method
Here the pursuit for Dao begins
3. State: The Heart moves and is still equally
Heart is peaceful and seem directed
Heart in general is peaceful and scattered in equal amounts
[One is able to ] use Heart for the method
Gradually consciousness adjusts and becomes skilled [using the method]
Heart is peaceful and seem directed
Heart in general is peaceful and scattered in equal amounts
[One is able to ] use Heart for the method
Gradually consciousness adjusts and becomes skilled [using the method]
第四時 心靜多動少
4. State: Heart has lots of peace and little movement
The Heart is collected and more and more skilled in [technique]
The movement is right away directed with it
One is truly focused to the present
If [concentration is momentarily] lost then [focus is] immediately obtained
The Heart is collected and more and more skilled in [technique]
The movement is right away directed with it
One is truly focused to the present
If [concentration is momentarily] lost then [focus is] immediately obtained
5. State: The Heart has unified direction and is pure and calm
Then doing is not doing and [even] emotional blows don’t move
[Dān]tián has gathered Heart deeply and steadfastly the scattered has made to set
This already completed ones place is clear and one enters to the seven stages
Making use of [method] one naturally obtains [Dao] without obstructions!
Then doing is not doing and [even] emotional blows don’t move
[Dān]tián has gathered Heart deeply and steadfastly the scattered has made to set
This already completed ones place is clear and one enters to the seven stages
Making use of [method] one naturally obtains [Dao] without obstructions!
1. Stage: Old diseases dissolve
The embodiment becomes light and the Heart joyful
[When] Inside man the Heart is meditative Shén is tranquil and Qì is peacful
Four big (elements) are married and six passions are in profound peace
The Heart is peacefully suspended [over] circumstances and embraces unity and protects the center
Joyfully happy about every new day
This is called “Obtaining Dao”
The embodiment becomes light and the Heart joyful
[When] Inside man the Heart is meditative Shén is tranquil and Qì is peacful
Four big (elements) are married and six passions are in profound peace
The Heart is peacefully suspended [over] circumstances and embraces unity and protects the center
Joyfully happy about every new day
This is called “Obtaining Dao”
2. Stage: Crossing over normal limits
One’s appearance returns to younger outlook, form is joyous and Heart is in peace
One opens to Líng and has [all] penetrating vision
Change [your] residence, leave [your] country, select place and settle down
Associates and relative who [once] had known one, no longer recognize him
One’s appearance returns to younger outlook, form is joyous and Heart is in peace
One opens to Líng and has [all] penetrating vision
Change [your] residence, leave [your] country, select place and settle down
Associates and relative who [once] had known one, no longer recognize him
3. Stage: Prolonging life years to thousand
This is called immortality
Traveling all famous mountains, flying and moving freely
Azure servants follow as guardians, jade women are singing praises
Rising and walking vaporous rosy clouds, green mists offer its support
This is called immortality
Traveling all famous mountains, flying and moving freely
Azure servants follow as guardians, jade women are singing praises
Rising and walking vaporous rosy clouds, green mists offer its support
4. Stage: Refining the embodiment to Qì
Qì revolves [ones] embodiment with light [and one] is called True Human (Zhēnrén)
Appearing and disappearing (living and dying) freely
Brightness and light naturally shines and day and night are constantly illuminated
One can travel all caves and palaces or attend all immortals immediately
Qì revolves [ones] embodiment with light [and one] is called True Human (Zhēnrén)
Appearing and disappearing (living and dying) freely
Brightness and light naturally shines and day and night are constantly illuminated
One can travel all caves and palaces or attend all immortals immediately
5. Stage: Refining Qì to become Shén
One is called Spirit-human (Shénrén)
Transforming and going freely and doing and using without exhaustion
One has power to move Qián and Kūn (Heaven and Earth)
Move mountains or empty the seas
One is called Spirit-human (Shénrén)
Transforming and going freely and doing and using without exhaustion
One has power to move Qián and Kūn (Heaven and Earth)
Move mountains or empty the seas
6. Stage: Refine Shén and uniting it with color (substances creating the body)
[One] is called Perfected man (Zhìrén)
[Being] Shén already one connects to Líng
Color and form are not fixed
They respond to moment by changing
And [one] reflects other beings with his shape and form
[One] is called Perfected man (Zhìrén)
[Being] Shén already one connects to Líng
Color and form are not fixed
They respond to moment by changing
And [one] reflects other beings with his shape and form
7. Stage: Embodiment transcends outside material
One distances oneself outside all normal order [of the world]
Together with Jade Emperor of Great Dao reside in Líng-realm
Saints and wise assemble spreading the greatest truth of Mother Nature and universal Líng
There is nothing that could not be reached
Cultivation culminates at the root of Dao
10 000 ways all end here and this is called The Ultimate
One distances oneself outside all normal order [of the world]
Together with Jade Emperor of Great Dao reside in Líng-realm
Saints and wise assemble spreading the greatest truth of Mother Nature and universal Líng
There is nothing that could not be reached
Cultivation culminates at the root of Dao
10 000 ways all end here and this is called The Ultimate
People of this age study Dao less [each] day and cannot [obtain even] the first stage
How could they obtain universal Líng?
Ruled with maintaining their stupidity and sentimentality
Only preserving and holding on to their filth and material [wealth]
Four seasons turn and change, their shapes distort and color (body) grows weak
Their substance declines and [they] return to the emptiness
To call this obtaining Dao is absurd!
How could they obtain universal Líng?
Ruled with maintaining their stupidity and sentimentality
Only preserving and holding on to their filth and material [wealth]
Four seasons turn and change, their shapes distort and color (body) grows weak
Their substance declines and [they] return to the emptiness
To call this obtaining Dao is absurd!
細詳留意 必獲無疑
賢達之人 逢斯聖矣
These Daoist techniques of embryo-breathing and fixed contemplation keep Shén and halt form
[These] were transmitted orally and not written in language
Having the virtue to meet the Perfected man and this teaching
[One must] be very precise and throughout to keep the idea
These must be learnt without doubts.
Man worthy of attainment will meet this Saint
[These] were transmitted orally and not written in language
Having the virtue to meet the Perfected man and this teaching
[One must] be very precise and throughout to keep the idea
These must be learnt without doubts.
Man worthy of attainment will meet this Saint
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